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Dann machen wir Fotos.

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Alle Kunden kommen, weil sie einen ehrlichen Blick auf sich selbst richten und MEHR DARÜBER HERAUSFINDEN WOLLEN, was sie ausmacht und besonders macht und vor allen Dingen, wofür sie stehen und wofür es sich lohnt, jeden Morgen auf zu stehen.

Die gewonnene Klarheit bringt neuen Schwung in ein absichtsvolles und motiviertes Handeln. 

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Podcast on Workshop.Works hosted by Dr. Myriam Hadnes

No two facilitators are the same in the way they run their workshops – or in who they are outside of being a facilitator. For Markus Püttmann, the interplay of his other interests and skills have helped to develop an effective and unique approach to workshops.

What if you used your skills and interests to create a better workshop experience for your participants?

That’s what Markus has achieved by integrating photography and facilitation.

His fascinating approach to workshop facilitation has inspired me to analyse where I could introduce unique elements of myself into my workshops in a way that is non-intrusive and organic to the process we are working through.

If you would like to explore how you might introduce your skills and interests to your workshops or are simply interested to learn how Markus integrates photography and facilitation in his, this episode will leave you with lots to reflect on.

Although I highly recommend keeping a pen and paper at hand to take notes, you can also just download mine!

And, don't miss the next show: Subscribe to my newsletter and check your favourite podcast player to subscribe to the show. 

Here ist the direct link to the podcast:

impulsraum für Ihre events

Mit Hilfe der Firma vicoustic haben wir den Raum aufwendig renoviert und erhalten dadurch eine angenehme Akustik, die gerade bei größeren Gruppen seinen Vorteil ausspielt. Sehen Sie auf der Seite von vicoustic die Projektbeschreibung.

The impulsraum is a multipurpose room, whether for coaching, workshop, meeting or confidential discussions. A lounge area with its own coffee bar completes the offer.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-20 um 11.29.22.png

This room is also wonderfully suited as a location for a cultural event to a pop-up store. There are an infinite number of ideas to be realised here, by anyone who is looking for an inspiring atmosphere.

The impulse room is open to everything. In this space, workshops and training events are hosted, as well as receptions and networking events.


This means that, in some of these events, large groups of people can be within this space - up to 40 to 50 people, according to the client. In such events, communication is fundamental and speech intelligibility needs to be appropriate for people to understand one another, or the spokesperson, in case of training events and workshops. Given the very reflective materials from which the room was built from (masonry walls with several windows, wood floors, etc.), the client’s main complaint is that the space is highly reverberant. As a consequence, the background noise created by such a room full of conversations will quickly build up, making it very hard for people to understand each other and, consequently, people will have to raise their voices to perceive one another. A highly reverberant space will also compromise speech intelligibility, which is fundamental for proper communication.


Vicoustic's Project Team proposed solutions in order to control the reverberation time within this room: sound absorbing panels, which will control the reflections by taking energy from them (this is being done by Vicoustic’s Cinema Round Premium panels). It should be noted that this room has very few available surfaces on the walls for acoustic treatment to be used. Therefore, the largest available area to place acoustic panels on is the ceiling. This project was developed for [url= target=_blank]impulsraum[/url], by Vicoustic's Project Team.